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Tobacco Cessation

  HOW TO START TOBACCO CESSATION SERVICES  TARGETS :   Specific targets -  Current smokers  Current SLT users  Families of these people   General targets-  All non smokers  School children  College children  Women   Aim is to make current users quit and to keep others from getting into the vicious cycle of tobacco PLANNING   Infrastructure One room for OPD services including computer. Staff recruitment Doctor Counseller Social worker Computer operator Attendent Location Well connected with road and public transport. Pre launch publicity Focus should be drawn towards school and college students. Launch and post launch publicity Pubicity of the clinic should b done on a continious basis so that it continues to attract people. EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED- • Educational material • Computer • Breath CO analyzer • Telephone connection • Kit for measuring saliva and urine cotinine levels • Medicines • Contact with alcohol de-addiction centres. OFFICE ENVIORMENT - • Create smoke free enviorment

How Stress Affects Your Oral Health

  How Stress Affects Your Oral Health Stress can affect your oral health in a number of ways: Jaw issues - disorders of the jaw joint or chewing muscles. These can cause pain around the ear or face. Teeth grinding - This can happen during the day, especially when you're concentrating, or at night. Poor oral hygiene- caused by a lack of good brushing and flossing. If you're too busy or forget to keep up with your dental hygiene, you can wind up with tooth decay and gum disease. Cold sores- which are caused by the herpes simplex virus HSV-1. Cold sores are often triggered by dental treatment, stress and sunlight. Oral infections or sores- which may show up as ulcers, white lines, or white or red spots. These can be brought on by stress. Decreased immune response- caused by stress, which can lead to periodontal (gum) disease. Reduce your symptoms  follow these steps to get relief for painful oral symptoms: Talk to your dentist  about treatment options. Address teeth grinding  by a

Tips for Oral Hygiene

Tips for Oral Hygiene Dr. Shejal Solanki Think about your oral health for a moment.  This is something that many of us often overlook.  Without proper oral hygiene, bacteria can reach levels that can cause oral infections, such as tooth decay and gum disease.  1. Brushing  When you brush your teeth, you remove bacteria that promote tooth decay and plaque that causes gum disease.  Regular and thorough brushing helps prevent tooth decay and gum disease.   how to brush your teeth  • Thorough cleaning should take at least two minutes, don't rush the process of brushing your teeth.  Don't try to brush your teeth too hard, as this can damage your gums.  • Brush with a gentle, circular motion, up and down.  Angle your brush at 45 degrees relative to the place where your gums and teeth meet.Clean your teeth making a set of three teeth at a time don't forget to clean the surfaces facing towards your tongue.  • Make sure you clean the entire surface of each tooth, including the chewi